One of the things I wish would move out of common usage is the whole "insert-name-here" mode of communication.
Standard communication:
Bob: Hey, how's it going?
Alice: Good, how are you doing?
"insert name here" communication:
Bob: Hey Alice, how are you doing?
Alice: Great Bob, how are you doing today?
It's one of those verbal ticks that is supposed to endear one to the speaker. "OMG! They know who I am! I'm important!", but what I hear is "someone took a class in management or selling and now they have a verbal tick that sounds like they're going to sell me something".
Which sounds more natural:
"That's a great question, and I will need to talk to Alice and get back to you on that".
"That's a great question Bob, and I will need to talk to Alice and get back to you on that".
Which one sounds like the speaker actually cares to get back to me, and which one sounds like they're filling in the blanks on an internal Mad Lib-based script. Or they're a preschool teacher reinforcing your name so you'll have it ingrained as part of your identity.
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